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Rick Reynolds lives in Los Angeles and is primarily a self-taught contemporary fine artist with several years of private tutorial eductation in figure drawing and painting classical alla prima techniques of the old masters. For decades he has created a dynamic and exciting range of contemporary figure and raw abstracts while simultaneously engaged in a career as Hollywood studio post production executive working with top filmmakers.

“My intention with this medium is to distill the messy into a visual essence, the rainstorm into a teardrop, to unpeel the civilizing limitations of modern life, and with large canvas abstract expressionism explore the raw, primative, gestural, beautiful visual language of abstract forms of intelligent chaos I don’t fully understand. And it’s gotta look great”.

“I use oils for the buttery feel and to extend the wet into wet painting process sometimes for weeks. Unlike painting tight realism and human figures, I find the abstracts are often perfect each step of the process so it’s often simply a matter of taste when I consider the work complete.”

Rick Reynolds 2024
